Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 3

SO its my third day in and I still have 4 more days until we get to Hilo. I am just starting to get a little home sick. I am so use to seeing my family or friends everyday or at least talking to them so it is just starting to hit me that I wont be able to do that when I want to or have the accessibility to see someone if I want to. My classes just started today and my teachers are very cool.  It is weird only having 2 classes a day but there is a lot of reading for each class so I am keeping busy. Its funny that during the first two days here, when no one had a set schedule, it was a lot easier to meet people but now that everyone has different schedules that you don't know it makes it harder to find those people, but hopefully I will get the guts to meet some newer people, its pretty intimidating but this is a growing experience. Right now the ship is definitely going through very very choppy weather and the boat is rockin A LOT making so many people seasick. One of my classes is in the front of the boat and it was crazy… our professor was holding on to a pole in the class so he wouldn't fall all over the place. Hopefully the waves calm down and not make everyone so sick but this is definitely a crazy experience!

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